Child Safe Policy
ChildSafe Policy
Dapto Uniting Church
January 2024
This Policy is based on a template provided by the NSW Office of the Children's Guardian.
Child Safe Policy
We want children who participate in our programs to have a safe and happy experience. We support and respect our children, their families, and our workers.
Title |
Child Safe Policy (2024) |
IntroductionThe policy intent and to whom it applies. |
Our policy helps to guide workers (paid and volunteer) on how to behave when interacting and engaging with children in Dapto Uniting Church, or assisting with child-related activities, such as Sunday’s Cool, G1 Youth Group and Community Gathering, or any other activities of the church involving children. The policy focuses on how we can build and maintain a child safe environment which is inclusive, transparent and promotes children’s participation. |
Children’s ParticipationHow we involve children and get them to actively participate in our organisation. |
We will support the active participation of children in the programs, activities, and services we offer. We will listen to their views, respect what they say and involve them when we make decisions wherever practical, especially about matters that will directly affect them. |
RecruitmentHow we select suitable workers to work with children. |
We will maintain a rigorous and consistent recruitment, screening, and selection process, in accordance with our Volunteer Policy. We will ensure all new volunteers complete our Volunteer Worker Application as well as our Volunteer Agreement. All people involved in child-related activities will also be required to hold a current NSW Working with Children Check before they can commence. All volunteers who are working in child-related activities of Dapto Uniting Church are required to attend accredited Safe Church Awareness Training before commencing in the role, and a refresher every three years. All volunteers who are working in child-related activities will need to be approved by Church Council. The Volunteer Coordinator will always verify WWCC numbers by confirming identity of potential employees and volunteers; verifying WWCC numbers online with the OCG; and keeping records of employees and volunteers who require a WWCC and when they were verified. |
Complaints Management and ReportingDepartment of Family and Community ServicesNSW OmbudsmanOffice of the Children’s Guardian. |
We will celebrate positive child safe behaviours and call-out concerning or unacceptable attitudes and behaviour. We will create a child-friendly Complaint Handling Policy so children and young people understand how to raise complaints, what to expect if they do raise a complaint, and that their complaint will be taken seriously. Our Complaint Handling Policy will ensure it includes numerous ways for children, young people, parents, and carers to make a complaint about or concerning unacceptable behaviour, such as by email, phone call, text, or in person to a member of the Safe Church Team. If someone makes or considers making a report about a Child Protection concern, or a report that relates to possible abuse of a vulnerable person that arises during any of the Congregation’s activities, the Church Council will:
In the event of a complaint or concern regarding the behaviour of someone connected with the Congregation, the Safe Church Contact Team will:
Training, support, and supervision of workersThe training you provide and how we support and supervise our workers. |
The people who take on the role of Safe Church Contact Team must complete the Safe Church Awareness Training provided through NSW and ACT Synod, or other denominations providing Safe Church Training Agreement (SCTA) accredited courses. We promote respect, fairness, and consideration for all workers. An Elder, Church Council member, the minister, or allocated leader will support and supervise all volunteers in their work. All new workers involved in child-related activities will receive a copy of all child safe policies and procedures and the Volunteer Coordinator will set up a meeting or phone call between the leader of the activity and the new worker to discuss the policies and allow the new worker to ask questions and clarify their understanding. We will request that all staff and volunteers complete the OCG’s free induction training on child safety and be provided with ongoing guidance from senior staff members about child safety. We will try to ensure that staff understand their recordkeeping responsibilities and the importance of recording concerns (which may inform a pattern of behaviour). Child safe is a standing agenda item at Church Council for the Child Safe Team to report when applicable, but at least annually. Child safe practices will be discussed at all child-related activity team meetings. Workers are encouraged to ask questions and contribute to the continuous improvement of child safe policies, procedures, and practices in the workplace. |
Other legislation, industry standards or internal policiesOther legislation or industry standards that is relevant to our child safe policy. |
CommunicationThe ways in which we will communicate and educate our stakeholders on the key messages within our child safe policy. |
We will provide information or hold information sessions for staff and volunteers when necessary. Our policy will be given and discussed with all new staff and volunteers. Children and parents joining our program/s will have access to a copy of this Policy, Child Safe Code of Conduct and UCA Child Safe Principles, by display on the Hall Notice board. Leaders and staff will ask parents, carers, and the community to give feedback on how the organisation could improve its child safe practices. They will share information about our child safe approach in numerous ways (for example, parent evenings, newsletters, noticeboards, posters, website, letters, social media, and information sessions/packs as applicable). We will involve parents and carers in numerous formal and informal ways, so they feel part of the organisation (for example, meetings, celebrations and special days, excursions, important decisions). |
ReviewThe date to review and update our child safe policy for continuous improvement purposes. |
The policy and guidelines will be reviewed every two years and incorporate comments and suggestions from our range of stakeholders (including volunteers, children, and families). Next Review is due in March 2026. |